Sunday, October 24, 2010

I could so do that.

Since finishing my job on October 15th, I have only found myself rolled up under my desk in the fetal position, about twice a week.  Besides that I am cooking.

Well, okay, maybe the last time I found myself there wasn't that pretty, but it's not like I was totally naked.

After picking up my daughter Megan and her friend from their jazz class last week, Megan hopped into the car totally jacked.

"Dad.  Dad!  I know what you can do.  You can totally work at Wendy's."

I look in the rear view mirror and I have a daughter who is beaming. Stoked that she thought of a job that I could totally do.  Like so good.  Before I started weeping out of sheer depression, 3 things whipped through my skull:

1.  I powned McDonald's back in the day, this is nothing.  Crew Person of the Month 2 times baby.   Plaque and everything.  I can do this.

2.  I could look hot in those poly pants.   What am I thinking.   This is not happening.

3.  If I had to choose, I am so going to Home Depot first.  At least there are manly tools there and I don't have to ask anyone if they want a Hot Stuffed Baked Potato with their order.  Plus you would get to say "screw" and "tool" a lot.  

Okay, I thought of four things.  Like seriously, my daughter went through all the possible jobs I could do in her head, and #1 was firing on the polyester pants and working at the big W.  Really?  Not even like landscaping guy or pilot boy?  Nope.  You are so wendy's dad.

But there is hope.  Hope that my daughter thinks I am awesome enough to serve Frosty's for a living.  And hope that I don't end up serving frosty's for a living.

I just upped the average.  Now it's three times a week you can find me under my desk.  And I'm starting to hum lady gaga.  This is not going to be pretty is it.

1 comment:

  1. you can't steer a stationary vehicle;
    God is willing to guide you, but you must choose the direction. Just do something, start moving, keep praying. The way will open, out there, not under your desk. Someone once said, If you feel blue, lock your house and cross the street to help someone else and the blues will disappear. Take your eyes off 'you' and put them on someone with more needs than yours. Spend some time at a drop in centre or soup kitchen.

    We've been where you are...long story, eventually with a happy ending but it took time to materialize. We had 5 children to provide for and Stan had no choice but to return to his first career after being kicked in the gut several times in very short timespace. Next month, he is realizing a dream that started 40 years ago...apparently he had some maturing to do before being allowed this blessing.

    God uses everything we give Him, puts it all together and someday shows it to us, a beautiful masterpiece.

    I highly recommend utilizing a gratitude journal...only allowed to write in things you are grateful for, on a daily basis (even if as mundane as a regular bowel movement...there are many who don't).

    You are special to God and to many others.
