Saturday, December 30, 2006

Welcome to 2007

So here we are in the New Year. Welcome to 2007. The typical blogger I am sure, will post something to the effect of setting goals, New Years resolutions, holding to promises, following up and following through, firming up the round edges... Alas, there is a temptation for me to do the same, BUT I will refrain from doing so. This is for the reason that, I realize I am going to still be slightly husky by the end of this year (I know husky is a nice way of saying fat, but work with me). No, not because I plan on a diet of Snickers and Salt & Vinegar chips, but because my toes barely make it through 30" of length on my pants.

So try this instead. Talk to God. And now you are thinking, "brilliant, thanks for sharing." Simplistic yes, simple no (cause then I would be simple and husky and that is too hard to deal with). I am encouraging you to ask Him what 2007 should hold for you. What His resolutions are for you this year.

Zephaniah 3:17 says "The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."

He is mighty to save. There is no force or evil or power that He cannot overcome. There is no family situation, work situation, co-worker, friend, brother, sister, mother, father or child he cannot overcome. He is Mighty to Save.

Oceans Will Part
Hillsong (from the album "Mighty to Save")

If my heart has grown cold
There Your love will unfold
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand
When I’m blind to my way
There Your Spirit will pray
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand

Oceans will part nations come
At the whisper of Your call
Hope will rise glory shown
In my life Your will be done

Present suffering may pass
Lord Your mercy will last
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand
And my heart will find praise
I’ll delight in Your way
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand

Welcome to 2007. Now it's your turn to welcome Him to take it.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Christmas Eve @ The South

We are hosting 3 Christmas Eve Services this year:

11:00am - Childcare for 2 and under provided
4:30pm - No childcare
6:00pm - No childcare

We would love to you have join us. Bring your family, friends and you can even wear your spiffy new sweaters.


Monday, December 11, 2006

Listen Up

This past weekend, in my sermon, I mentioned a practical exercise to engage more deeply in scripture. The acronym was S.O.A.P.Y The idea came from Wayne Cordeiro (pastor from Hawaii).
It stands for:
Yes Lord, today I will...


Monday, December 4, 2006


Last night from 12 - 1 am I sat in the 24/7 prayer room at WPC. What a great experience. Totally interactive, the hour flew by. And I met Janet and Ed. 2 great people. Janet is leaving for a 2.5 month missions trip to Mexico with WPC in 2 weeks and is pumped. (note: There is still room for the Mexico Trip - if you feel like you want to go call Liz at Hwy 33 for info 765.6622) Ed is a prayer warrior and blessed my socks off.

It fits any personality. There are some times still available call Nancy at Hwy 33 (765.6622) to see what's free. Or come hang out with The South Guys Thursday morning from 5 - 6am. We'll hit a little b-fast after too - we'd love to have you come.


Interesting Links

This link is from and is a blog from David Plotz's "Blogging the Bible." A self-proclaimed non-observant Jew, David is reading through the entire bible and blogging his reactions to it. David provides a fascinating look at the Bible from an outside viewpoint.

As a follow up to Mark's Dec 2/3 weekend sermon, the following are links to highten your awareness of AIDS/POVERTY & HOMELESSNESS in bc and throughout the world. The band Jars of Clay are playing at WPC's Student Ministries RUSH conference in January and they are passionate about this topic check out Blood:Water Mission. Also, many stars and musicians, have joined support with the one campaign. The Mennonite Central Committee is always engaging with global needs and problems and cannot be overlooked in their efforts Generations at Risk. Mark shared a video clip of Bono, from the band U2. They focus on many Global issues - check out Hearts & Minds from their website.. and listen to a few tunes along the way. Audio Adrenaline, long-time christian band, although they will be defunct later this year continue to focus on poverty, specifically in Haiti.

Enjoy your day and the snow. And everyone told me, Kelowna is great summer all the time! I though I was rid of the snow after leaving Alberta... This is summer all the time..
