Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bearded Wonder

My kids figured I should grow a beard until I got a job.  Launched one attempt before Christmas which was quickly squashed by a certain non-child living in our home and wanting a "normal" Christmas.  How that relates to a stud muffin beard I am not sure.

Alas, no beard.

New Year.  New Day.  Threw down a little 3 day-er, low and behold, the certain 'nay-sayer" thought it looked hot.  Cha-ching (told you it was studly).

Alas, all good things must come to an end.

Kids went from "Dad it feels so cool" to "Dad... really??"

Wife went from "How you doing big fella" to "It was great until you got near me with all those hairy flinky things."

And hey, I got a job... or two.

So I decided to shave.. and kick the stud up a notch...

And then a whole notha' level

Probably would have gotten a job sooner if I threw this puppy down a long time ago.

Bearded Wonder.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Rhymes with Regina

Regularly just right around bedtime, our middle daughter Megan, asks for our youngest, Caedyn, to sleep in the same bed.   This is usually met with incredible excitement and anticipation of joyous celebration.

Yet with said regularity it ends up being a gong show.  Screaming and makeup and lost teddy bears and cramping and someone typically requiring first aid.  So, a few weeks ago, Carla and I decided enough.  Banned.  But being the ruggedly handsome incredible wise parental units, we threw a little caveat in there. Be nice for a week.  Don't torture the dog or each other and we'll give it another go.

Unbelievably, it worked (okay, who am I kidding, we are incredible parents.  I am blushing.)

Well, the evening fast approaches with much anticipation.  Teeth brushed, PJ's on, feet under the covers.  Carla and leave to allow a few minutes for reading a book.  So we head downstairs and go check emails.

Enter blood curdling scream.  Relentless.  Someone has gotten stuck in a meat grinder kind of scream  Carla whips upstairs and finds herself entering the door of Megan's room.  Before her lies Megan uttering, by now, unintelligible noises, mixed with tears and snot and flailing.  And there sits Caedyn, in complete silence, naked, with her panties affixed to her skull.   Not knowing quite what to say, Carla begins to move towards the bed, when Megan opens her eyes and realizes Carla is now within earshot.

She bellows, "Mom, Caedyn took her clothes off and now it smells like vagina in here!!"

Same room sleeping has been banned for 17 years.