Friday, August 17, 2007


Why does it seem that the Christian church struggles with creativity? Why do we need to copy as opposed to creating our own paths? Remember that Coke T? Unreal. Drives me crazy. We can do better than this. Leading edge vs. the bleeding edge. Look at this and this you've got to be kidding me. Alas, it is no joke, we are creatively pathetic. Check the Harry Potter sign out.

So what is it going to take for us to step up. I do not have marketing credentials, nor do I have a portfolio of products I have worked on. I love ideas and I love the creative process. I will post some of my stuff and you can let me know. But what I do know is that none of my idea's have ever included Soap on a Rope Jesus or You are going to hell in a handbasket flip flops.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Apparently people read this blog because I have been getting some flak for not updating it. Alas, it has been a busy spring. I will upload some pics so you can see what has been taking my time. In the meantime, here are some Mult-site church links. Peruse the sites, see what you interests you, what you like, don't like and let me know your thoughts! Thanks for reading.
Community Christian (home of the Big Idea) - Chicago
Westside Family - Kansas (great website)
Flamingo Road (they have a campus in Lima Peru to which they FedEx a DVD each week) - Florida
North Pointe - Atlanta, Georgia
Seacoast - Carolina's
Okay, this link isn't about multisite at all. It's a great online "christian" radio station.

Keep enjoying summer. We sure are in the Okanagan...