Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Bad and the Good


Really?  So this is what the gospel comes down to.  This is the best way these church going folk figured they could express to the world that they love Jesus.  I wonder what they would have picketed about to the criminal hanging beside Jesus on the cross when Jesus said, "Today you will be with me in paradise."  

Considering their lifestyle choices, I wonder what their idea of love would have been to many of Jesus' family tree - Rahab, Issac, David, Uzziah, Tamar.  I wonder how many times you have to use the word "hate" before people realize it's love.   I wonder if Albert Snyder, the father of the soldier whose funeral was picketed, will ever be able to erase the image "God is your enemy" from his psyche.  I sadly wonder.

"If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."

I wonder if I create barriers in my life instead of bridges for people to meet Jesus.  I wonder if I harbour prejudices, opinions and perceptions about people who need to experience the love of Jesus and not the hurtful expression of an opposing value.  I wonder if I love more than I hate.  I wonder if the fruit of my spirit is more evident than the Spirits fruit... love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.

"Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other."

I wonder.


Carlos Whittaker blogs on his site Ragamuffin Soul.  One of his recent offerings went viral and is pretty sweet.  Probably cause I can relate to my kids loving the song "Single Ladies" just as much as his.  Oh Beyonce.  He was recently featured on The Today Show and CBS because of it.   Check it out.

1 comment:

  1. Been looking at those guys for the past couple weeks. They are a very sad cult
