Tuesday, March 9, 2010

6 Things in my brain today

1.  My blog looks lame.  The more I check out the blogging world, the more I am confronted with the fact that my blog is about as exciting as singing the chorus of "I'm trading my sorrows."
Non-lame blogs:
Ragamuffin Soul
Church Relevance

2.  Avatar was lame.  I'll give you cool graphics, but come on, re-birthing as a freakishly tall blue gremlin with a pony tail? 

3. "Christian" t-shirts are lame.  Like come on.

4.  Love Andy Stanley, but I am not sure what I think about this.

5.  I want to read this book, just because of this intro. (scroll down to March 6th post)

6.  I cannot figure out if this is totally great or completely brutal.

What going on in your brain?


  1. casting mountains into the sea (Mark 11)

  2. I'm thinking you had some free time today to 'think'!! You must have been sitting in your office :) On the last one... you might be out of a job soon, just kidding :) PS. Your blog is not lame!

  3. Too funny. I can't believe someone posted a page from my book on that website. lol

    When are we going for coffee?

    Scott P - the guy at the end of the street

  4. I didn't say "Is lame" Katie but that it looks lame.. but thanks for the reassurance.. :)
