Friday, March 12, 2010

Video Hit Friday - Windies

Maybe it's because I witnessed the digital numbers 2:58am before my eyelids joined together to create a blackout.  Or maybe it was the fact that my eyes were suddenly re-engaged with the wee hours of the morning, 3 painfully bright times (I thought I was trapped in a Gremlins time warp... "Bright Light!  Bright Light!"), as my youngest daughter burst into our room.  Apparently, she needed some makeup to  sleep better.

Let's get serious, I have no concept what time of day it is and my feet are really itchy.  Regardless, I am posting 2 classic "fluffing" video's.  ("Fluffing" was the appropriate term in our house growing up.  Gotta be honest, I would pick "farting" every time.  "Fluffing."  Just say it out loud a couple times.   Inherently, it just has a gross, smelly, claustrophobic elevator feel to it, doesn't it?)

These vid's are not the highest quality as they are fairly old school, but the content is like sweet smelling rain.

1 comment:

  1. Those were lame. This is better.
