Friday, March 5, 2010

Price is Right(ish)

I still have in my possession 4 tickets to a taping of the Price is Right from 1995.  Frankly, I am not sure which part of that statement is the lamest, that I still own things from 1995, or that I truly desired to appear on the Price is Right.  Regardless, every time I look at those tickets I get a little misty.  You see, when we arrived in Southern California for the taping, TPIR ended up taking an unscheduled break from filming and therefore we were out of luck, no show.

And all that after I had spent hours making my "I neuter all my pets Bob" t-shirt.  It looked really hot.

Low and behold, just now I got the kids out the door for school... (intermission: Is it just us, or does it seem that every morning there seems to be some new tragedy or lost form or forgetting to change underwear or stomach cramps or torturing the dog.  Unreal.)  Well, today my son forgot his water bottle upstairs four separate times - that is, after bringing it downstairs three times.  I have no clue how that is possible either.  And I kid you not, as I remind him for the 4th time to get his water bottle he says, "It's still up there?"

"Yes it is son, and you had better come get it right now because my arm is in the throwing motion, and I am about to release my ferocious grasp on this bottle so it flies out my bedroom window and lands in the middle of the road and gets run over by the gravel truck turning the corner."

The kids are gone, the water bottle is sitting on the steps so I plop into a chair to see why the tv was left on, and wouldn't you know it, The Price is Right is flashing before my eyes.

I had heard that Bob Barker retired awhile ago and that Drew Carey, of The Drew Carey Show fame, was hosting.  Sorry Drew, but from the first second I started watching the show, all I could think was, this is the last place Drew wants to be.  I have never witnessed someone so not wanting to be doing what they were doing.  Like he wakes up each morning, looks in the mirror and debates himself... they are paying me lots of money to do this.... I am such a loser... I get to be on tv.... I hate wearing suits.... it just never ends.

The contestant that was just on pops up to give drew a kiss and says, "I wore this Cleveland Indians shirt for you, cause I know you love Cleveland!"  To which he replied, with about the same excitement he would have while getting a planters wart burned off, "Oh sure, Cleveland has lots of great things."  That doesn't even make sense.

Reminded me of the very reason I started blogging.  It is an odd process let me tell you, especially if you don't represent something or you are not a famous author etc...  (I'll pick that topic up next week) At the end of the day, I needed an avenue for some creative expression, blogging was intriguing, and therefore figured I would give it a shot.

As John Piper says, "Don't waste your life."  Do what you love to do. Take the risk.  Don't settle for the pay cheque or the status.  Do whatever it is that inspires you.  Start small like I am doing with this blog.  Give yourself a chance to have success and it will do amazing things for your psyche and your life.

And who knows what is just around the corner.

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