Friday, March 5, 2010

At the Red House baby

How awkward is this...  I launch "Video Hit" Friday's last week and I almost forget to post one today.   Sigh.  Stupid Price is Right threw me way off today (I was just reminded by my son that I am not supposed to say "stupid").

Admittedly this commercial is way out in left field but I laughed hard, loved the singers, and especially loved the last line.  Carla watched it, didn't crack a smile, and after it was done, stared at me as if to say, "That was stupid."  Well, okay she did say that.  I told her she wasn't supposed to say that word.  Might not have been the smartest move ever.  That did not end well.  As we, okay I, mend the fences, enjoy my One Scott Mind.

EMBED-The Red House Furniture Store - Watch more free videos

Seriously, I cannot stop singing... "At the Red House..."


  1. Yep, that is something you would laugh at Scott, and Carla would say that it is $%@**#! I'm censoring this comment in case little Lanigans are reading it....:) Hey guess what....I get to collect autographs at the wedding that Scott is doing at the end of march! Cool eh? See you then! :)

  2. I had a recent RED theme on my blog Scott. I was stuck with Tom Cochrane and RED Rider's "Big League" in my head as Canada got caught up with hockey at the Olympics:
    Has The VOice...On and Off the Ice: Hockey Heaven / Boyns and his Boy
    My post before that had some good advice from the late RED Skelton: "I live by this credo: Have a little laugh at life and look around you for happiness instead of sadness. Laughter had always brought me out of unhappy situations. Even in your darkest moment, you usually can find something to laugh about if you try hard enough."

    Thanks for the laughs on your blog - but if you cannot stop singing "At the Red House" within the next week, you need SERIOUS medical attention:)

  3. Seriously Scott, where do you find these things? It's like you have a radar to detect cheesy things to make fun of. You really are priceless! I do think I have to agree with Carla's analysis though...
